The school of failure

Lessons come when you arent really looking for them. Yesterday, by chance, I watched an interview with David Holmgren in which he makes a comment about goals. He says, in talking about reading landscape, that "if we are in a rush, if we want to acheive some goal...then this doesnt sort of really help. We've got to be prepared to be just open and we accumulate understanding that turns out to be useful. In some context...over time...But if we are goal oriented and if we are in a rush then, you know... then its better to go off and get the recipe out of a book or do what your told, or, you know, people go, how can I learn by just staring know, what is it? Where is the answer? Just tell me!" I experienced this wisdom in a very practical way. We have two large vegetable bins that we planned to turn into wicking beds. We sourced them from a property about 40 minutes away, paying $40 each, and driving out there with a trailer to pick them up. We went to a bi...